Apple tree colony

Apple tree colony
Apple tree colony

Special, unique object, a remarkable botanical nature monument of national importance, which approximate age is 220 years. It grows as a bush, which covers the area of ​​about 10 acres. The tree doesn’t have an original trunk, but there are about 15 branches, rooted to the ground. The feature of this apple tree (unknown anywhere else) is its ability to self-rooting with its branches: when one trunk dies, a branch bends to the ground and grow roots, continuing the tree’s life.

Apple tree is covered with flowers in spring and gives red and white sweet apples in autumn. Because of a large number of tree trunks, it’s called a colony, one of the most common local names is Knyazha (literally: Prince’s tree) – Prince is buried under the tree in the middle of the XIX century).

Some say that the tree was cursed, which is why it behaves more like a gooseberry bush than an apple tree. Several scientists have studied the tree in detail, but every attempt to recreate its survival mechanism has failed.

Unique locations
51.55795700000000 / 33.35126800000000
Nearest town
Konotop (Sumy region)
Nearest village
Krolevets (Sumy region)
Nearest airport
Kharkiv International Airport
Average temperature
-7,5 ° C in winter, +19° C in summer

Contact phone: +380 (44) 459 46 10

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