

Dniester is the third longest river in Ukraine, flows in the southwest Ukraine and Moldova (partly on the border). In Ukraine it occupies the territory of seven regions, length - 705 km (438 mi). Originates within the Sanok-Turka Mountains (the Ukrainian Carpathians), flows into the Black Sea, where it forms the Dniester estuary. From Galych to Khotyn it forms a picturesque Dniester Canyon, which is one of the seven natural wonders of Ukraine.

At the upper half (for about 50 km or 31 mi) Dniester is a typical mountain river with a narrow and deep valley, fast current, rapids and rocky shores. Then it becomes wide (13 km or 8 mi), with low shores and swampy floodplain. Here the river forms numerous islands. Below Galych the valley narrows again, the banks become higher and within the canyon - very high, steep, sometimes precipitous. River bed bends (some bends stretch for almost 10 km or 6 mi). Closer to the mouth (in Odessa region) the valley is very flooded and swampy.

Natural vegetation of Dniester basin is mostly preserved in the Carpathians - the most common are spruce, fir and beech. Here on the slopes there are mixed forests, lower - deciduous. At the lower (steppe) half of the basin forests are preserved mainly in ravines, and near the estuary there are only a few trees.

Along the Dniester there are nearly 20 protected areas – national parks, nature reserves and natural monuments.

48.62163015213276 / 27.25785072636722
Nearest town
Khotyn (Chernivtsi region) Mogilev-Podolsky (Vinnytsia region), Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi (Odessa region)
Nearest airport
Vinnytsya International Airport, Odessa International Airport
Average temperature
-5° C in winter, +18° C in summer

Contact phone: +380 (44) 459 46 10
E-mail: info@location4film.com.ua

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